Browse Items (4208 total)

Nazi Demonstration, Berlin, Germany.jpg
A Nazi demonstration in Berlin.

Hitler reviews troops in 1933.jpg
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), Führer of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He initiated World War II and was responsible for the mass killings of Jews and other minorities throughout Europe. He is pictured here speaking to the Reichstag, driving in a…

King Boris III (1894-1943) was the Tsar of Bulgaria from 1918 until his death. Pictured greeting an Archbishop at the international land of the Black Sea, for a tribute to fallen warriors.

King Edward VIII, Princess Elizabeth, Phillip Mountbatten.jpg
Then-Princess (and current Queen) Elizabeth (1926-) and Philip
Mountbatten (1921-) of Great Britain, pictured with Edward VIII, visiting the sports grounds of the Osram factory near Berlin.

Hermann Goering.jpg
Hermann Goering (1893-1946) was a German political and military leader as well as one of the most powerful figures in the Nazi Party. Pictured with the winner of the German Derby in Hamburg.

Princess Juliana of Holland688.jpg
Princess Juliana of the Netherlands (1909-2004) and her husband Prince Bernhard (1911-2004) are pictured staying in Poland, in the mountains of the Beskids.

Henri Philippe Benoni & Omes Joseph Retain.jpg
Generally known as Philippe Pétain (1856-1951), the French Marshal and Prime Minister/Chief of the French State from 1940-1944 is pictured here with US General John J.
Pershing (1860-1948), leaving Pétain’s inauguration ceremony.

Agence TRAMPAS, Paris 1937.jpg
Georges Bonnet (1889-1973) was a French politician and minister of finance, pictured with 47th French Prime Minister Camille Chautemps (1885-1963) on the left, and with Leon Blum (1872-1950), another French Prime Minister.

General Miaja in Paris.jpg
José Miaja Menant (1878-1958), known as General Miaja, was the general that was selected to defend Madrid during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Pictured upon his arrival in France.

Duke & Duchess of Windsor on Wedding Day in France.jpg
Prince Edward VIII (1894-1972) and his new wife Wallis Simpson (1896-1986), also known as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, on their wedding day. He was the King of Great Britain from January to December 1936. He intended to marry Simpson, a divorcee,…
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