A color photograph of the Miracle House historical marker. The marker's inscription "Miracle House 1906. Built in one day to spite competitors efforts in a real estate development race. This forever changed the layout of Lena Avenue and added…
A photograph of a landmark inscribed "Miracle House 1906. Built in one day to spite a competitors efforts in a real estate development race. This forever changed the layout of Lena Avenue and added Wilson Place. Landmarks Preservation Commission,…
A statement issued to the Woodward Bros. from GC.H. Duryea, agent of the Minneapolis Flour Manufacturing Co. and annotated by the Woodward Bros regarding a price reduction.
A photograph of Henry, a Mineola baseball player, taken at Old Bethpage Village Restoration. His uniform consists of a blue jersey with a white "M" on the front, white suspenders, and a blue cap.