Browse Items (4209 total)

Amityville, AD011.jpg
View (partially obscured by trees) of Long Island Home, a mental health facility. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Amityville, AD004.jpg
View of the main building of Long Island Home, a mental health facility, as seen from the end of the driveway. (Color)

LongIsland00004 .jpg
Cars travelling in both directions on the Long Island Expressway. A sign at right reads, “L.I. Expwy - Eastern Long Island.” Printed text on verso provides a brief description of the expressway. (Color)

Hempstead Photographs 1-44.jpg
Facsimile of a c.1890s photograph of Long Island Express drivers standing alongside their wagons at the Hempstead Long Island Railroad station on Fulton Avenue. The company handled local baggage and express deliveries.

Robert Harrison - Long Island 1-105.jpg
A photograph of the opening game of the 2003 season of the Long Island Ducks.


Robert Harrison - Long Island 1-107.jpg
A photograph of the Long Island Ducks mascot "Quacker Jack" at the 2003 opening day game.


Robert Harrison - Long Island 1-106.jpg
A photograph of the Long Island Ducks mascot "Quacker Jack" at the 2003 opening day game.


Robert Harrison - Long Island 1-104.jpg
A photograph of the Long Island Ducks mascot "Quacker Jack" at the 2003 opening day game.


Robert Harrison - Long Island 1-87.jpg
A photograph of the opening pitch of the Long Island Ducks 2003 season. Harrelson-Gaffney can be seen throwing the ball to a player in uniform "3."


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