Browse Items (4209 total)

Sea Cliff, SG018.jpg
View of people on a street during a German camp meeting. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG019.jpg
Postcard featuring images of the Sea Cliff Theatre, the Artists’ Colony Hotel, and a view of Hempstead Harbor. Printed text on verso provides information about the theater and the Artist’ Colony Hotel, as well as details about nearby attractions.…

Sea Cliff, SG020.jpg
Exterior front view of the Sea Cliff Hotel. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG021.jpg
Facsimile of a 1907 photograph of people boarding a trolley car on 12th Avenue. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG022.jpg
Facsimile of a 1906 group photograph of children and a few adults sitting on sleds in the snow. There are also a number of people standing in the background. (B&W)

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Sea Cliff, SG023.jpg
Facsimile of a 1908 photograph of a trolley car on Glen Avenue. One man is stepping off the trolley, and a few others are standing alongside it. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG024.jpg
Facsimile of a 1910 photograph of the interior of Bauman’s Tonsorial Parlor, with two barber chairs at center. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG025.jpg
Facsimile of a 1910 photograph of the interior of Bauman’s Tonsorial Parlor, with two barber chairs at center. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG026.jpg
Facsimile of a 1907 photograph of the Sea Cliff train and trolley station. Two trolley cars are pictured at left, and there is a train visible at far right. There are people and horse drawn wagons in the vicinity of the station. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG027.jpg
Facsimile of a 1906 photograph of Sea Cliff Avenue, looking east. There is a horse drawn carriage in the middle of the avenue. (B&W)
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