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Islip, ID001.jpg
Exterior view of high school building with large trees on the front lawn. Addressee information (handwritten) on verso. (B&W)

Hempstead, HH027.jpg
View of the Hempstead High School building from across the street. (B&W)

Glen Cove, GE008.jpg
Exterior front view of the Glen Cove High School building. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)

Glen Cove, GE009.jpg
Exterior front view of the Glen Cove High School building. At left, there is a tall flagpole flying an American flag. The date “July 26, 1905” is handwritten on the front of the card; addressee information, also handwritten, is on the back. (B&W)

Bay Shore, BH003.jpg
Exterior view of the Bay Shore High School building. Printed text on verso provides a brief description of the community. (Color)

Babylon, BA006.jpg
Exterior view of Babylon High School. (Color)

Amityville, AD013.jpg
Exterior view of the two-story school building. There is an American flag in front. Handwritten message on front of card. (Color)

Riverhead, RC007.jpg
Exterior view of Riverhead High School. (B&W)

Patchogue, PA031.jpg
View of Patchogue High School, with Civil War monument out in front. (Color)

High Hill Beach was located east of what is now Jones Beach, Long Island. High Hill was a colony of bungalows and cottages, consisting of individually owned and rental units, as well as a medium sized guesthouse called The Breakers.
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