View of the exterior of the Nassau Hotel building, with a number of people standing on the front porch. Message and addressee information on verso. (Color)
View looking down Railroad Avenue at a row of commercial buildings lining the right side. The First National Bank building is on the near corner. (Color)
View of Spanish-American War trophy cannon captured by the U.S. Navy at Santiago, Cuba, in 1898. The cannon is located at the corner of Main and Church Streets. Commercial buildings are also pictured along the intersection. (B&W)
View looking down Merrick Road, which is lined by commercial buildings on both sides of the street. Cars are parked at curbs, and people are walking on sidewalks. (Color)
View of commercial buildings and Spanish-American War trophy cannon at corner of Main and Church Streets. There is also a picture (inset at top) of a man standing in the water with a clam rake. (B&W)
View of the exterior of the Municipal Building from across the street. There are a few cars parked at the curb on both sides of the street. Note: The building is also known as "Freeport Village Hall." (Color)
Exterior view of the clubhouse of the Freeport Golf Club. There are two golfers and their caddies out on the grass, while a few other men are sitting near or on the porch of the clubhouse. Two copies, one with message on the front and addressee…