Aerial view of buildings on the grounds of the Nassau County Sanatorium. Caption on front of card reads: “Nassau County Sanatorium at Farmingdale, Long Island, N.Y., opened in 1920, representing $2,100,000.00 investment, with 350 beds. 90 Acres of…
Exterior view of Nassau Hospital and the nurses’ residence. Sender’s initials and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: In 1985, Nassau Hospital changed its name to Winthrop University Hospital. (Color)
View of the exterior of the Nassau Hotel building, with a number of people standing on the front porch. Message and addressee information on verso. (Color)
View of Nassau Road, with a number of businesses pictured at left. There is a sign that reads, “The Royal,” on a building midway down the road. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)
View of the Nathan Hale Rock monument, with plaques visible on two sides. One circulated copy with annotation on front and addressee information on back; two uncirculated copies with annotations on front and addressee names on back. (Color)