Aerial view of Main Street, with commercial buildings visible on the left side of the street. There are other buildings in the background, and Sag Harbor Bay is visible beyond them.
View of water tower and Grangebel Park. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: Grangebel Park was built by Judge Timothy M. Griffing, who named it after his three daughters: Grace, Angeline and Mabel. (Color)
Exterior of the Mineola Hotel. There are trees lining the street, and two men are standing on the porch. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)
View of the shoreline from across Sterling Basin. There are a couple of boats anchored in the basin, and there are buildings along the shore at left. Note: In the past, there appears to have been two common spellings of the basin's name: “Sterling”…
View of a bridge at the head of the Peconic River. There is a man and a young boy crossing the bridge, and there are several buildings in the background. Two copies, both with message on front and addressee information on back. (B&W)
View of the Reeve’s Memorial Fountain and the Clark House hotel on Main St., part of which is visible at right. Addressee information handwritten on verso. (Color)