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Uniondale, UA014.jpg
View of the Gymnasium building, as seen from across the street. Annotation on verso. (Sepia)

Freeport, FK041.jpg
View of Guy Lombardo’s East Point House, as seen from across the parking lot. Printed text on verso provides brief details about the restaurant. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)

Freeport, FK019.jpg
View of the exterior of Guy Lombardo’s East Point House restaurant from across the Great South Bay. Lombardo’s G-13 Tempo VI hydroplane speedboat is passing by in the bay. Two copies, one with message on verso. (Color)

The front cover to a menu for Guy Lombardo's East Point House restaurant.

Montauk, MT023-1.jpg
Foldable postcard featuring a view of the Atlantic Ocean on the front and a view of some of the buildings at Gurney’s Inn on the verso. Printed text on the inside provides brief details about the inn. (Color)

Robert Harrison - Long Island 2-563.jpg
A photograph of a gun bunker located at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7277 in Massapequa, New York.

East Hampton, ED003.jpg
View of Guild Hall, as seen from across the street. (Color)

East Hampton, ED014.jpg
View of Guild Hall, as seen from across the street. There is a car parked in front. (Hand colored)

East Hampton, ED025.jpg
View of Guild Hall, as seen from across the street. Message and addressee information on verso. (Hand colored)
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