View of William K. Vanderbilt’s “Idle Hour” mansion and the long driveway leading up to it. Addressee information (handwritten) on the back and handwritten messages on both the front and the back. (B&W)
View looking down Woodbine Avenue, which is lined by commercial buildings on both sides. The Edward Thompson Company publishing house is at right. A trolley car and a number of people are in the street. Annotation on front and addressee information…
Exterior view of the Nassau County Courthouse building. Note: The building later became known as the Old Nassau County Courthouse and then as the Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building. (Color)
View of a group of children playing in a field in front of the Children’s Home building, which is visible in the background. There is a small pavilion at right. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)
View looking west down Fulton Street, with the Christ’s First Presbyterian Church building at right. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (Color)
View looking down the west side of Main St., which is lined by commercial buildings. There are a few wagons and bicycles parked along the street, and a couple of people standing on the sidewall. The image is tinted slightly pink. (Color)
View of the Soldiers’ Monument (at left) and the Presbyterian Church (now Sts. Anargyroi, Taxiarchis and Gerasimos, Greek Orthodox Church), at right. The home of Joseph Lawrence Townsend (now the Townsend Manor Inn) is pictured in the background.…
View of the Reeve’s Memorial Fountain and the Clark House hotel on Main St. Two copies, one with message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)
View looking down Sterling Street, with boats in the Sterling Basin at left. Two copies, one with a message on the front and addressee information on the back. (B&W)