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Wantagh, WC013.jpg
View of the West Bathhouse in which the Marine Dining Room is located. (Color)

Wantagh, WC014.jpg
View of the West Bathhouse area at Jones Beach State Park. Printed text on verso provides details about Jones Beach State Park. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)

Wantagh, WC015.jpg
Large letter “Greetings from” postcard with beach scenes and the landmark water tower depicted in the letters that spell out “Jones Beach.” Printed text on verso provides details about Jones Beach State Park. (Color)

Wantagh, WC016.jpg
Large letter “Greetings from” postcard with beach, building and local landmark scenes depicted in the letters that spell out “Jones Beach.” (Color)

Wantagh, WC017.jpg
View of people on a walkway to Zachs Bay. There are two silhouetted signs (“Bath House” and “Bay Fishing”), both featuring whimsical figures; the Water Tower is visible in the background. Printed text on verso provides detail about Jones Beach State…

Wantagh, WC018.jpg
View of a large crowd of people sitting in the stands of the Marine Theatre at Zachs Bay. The stage, which is separated from the stands by water, is at right. Printed text on verso provides details about Jones Beach State Park. (Black and white)

Wantagh, WC019.jpg
View of the boardwalk at Jones Beach State Park’s Central Mall. There are three people being pushed in a wicker push cart (foreground); the West Mall Building is at left. Printed text on verso provides details about Jones Beach State Park. (Sepia)

Wantagh, WC020.jpg
View of the German Mission Church and surrounding cemetery. Note: The c.1865 date represents the approximate year in which the church was built. Two copies. (Color)

Wantagh, WC021.jpg
View of the old railroad station and the "Jamaica" parlor car. Note: The date c.1884 represents the approximate year in which the railroad station was built. Two copies. (Color)

Wantagh, WC022.jpg
View of Southern State Parkway at the point where it branches to join the Jones Beach Causeway (now the Wantagh State Parkway). Printed text on verso describes the juncture of the two roads as being “perhaps the most beautiful part of one of the most…
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