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Overhead view of a several rows of canvas tents in what was known as the Rockaway’s “Tent City.” Baxter’s Hotel is pictured at left. Date and sender’s name on front, message and addressee information on back.

Southampton, ST012.jpg
View of the Long Island Rail Road depot. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (Hand colored)

A receipt of a premium payment on an insurance policy issued by Howard Insurance Co. to William H. Nelson.

A business card for House of Jeans, a clothing store in East Rockaway.

A matchbook from the Hicksville Motor Lodge.

Photo of Herstory author Kelvin Lazaro

Long Beach, LN020.jpg
View of the Trouville hotel and restaurant, with a large crowd of people on the boardwalk. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso.

Account book pages showing the account Chestnut Coal.

Account book pages showing the accounts of Stove Coal, Sold.
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