Browse Items (4209 total)

Westbury, WN004.jpg
View of a Christian church and parsonage. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Westbury, WN005.jpg
Exterior view of the Westbury Masonic Temple. (B&W)

Westbury, WN006.jpg
View of the Westbury Union Free School building, as seen from the long driveway leading to the main entrance. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (Handcolored)

Westbury, WN007.jpg
View of the Church of the Advent and its adjoining rectory building, as seen from across the street. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: The church was designed by architect John Russell Pope, c.1910. (Color)

Westbury, WN008.jpg
View of the Raceway Inn Motel, as seen from across the street. Printed text on verso provides information about the motel. (Color)

Westbury, WN009.jpg
Exterior view of the Norden Restaurant. Printed text on verso provides brief details about the restaurant. (Color)

Westbury, WN010.jpg
View of St. Brigid Church, as seen from a field across the street. Note: This was the second of three St. Brigid churches built in Westbury.(Handcolored)

Westbury, WN011.jpg
View of Parish Hall (at right) and St. Brigid Church, as seen from Post Avenue Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: This was the second of three St. Brigid churches built in Westbury. (B&W)

Westbury, WN012.jpg
View of J.S. Phipps’ residence (Old Westbury Gardens), as seen from across a pond on the estate. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)

Westbury, WN013.jpg
View looking north from railroad. Buildings line both sides of the street. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)
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