Browse Items (4209 total)

Brentwood, BT002.jpg
View of the public schoolhouse with a group of students on the steps. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Blue Point, BR006.jpg
View of the Hallett House hotel, as seen from the street. There are several groups of people outside on the grounds of the hotel. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Blue Point, BR005.jpg
View looking down South Main Street, which is lined by trees on both sides. There are two cars parked along the right side of the street. (B&W)

Blue Point, BR004.jpg
View of several people seated at tables on the outdoor deck of an eatery at the foot of Blue Point Avenue. A sign on the roof of the building reads, “Stillman.” (B&W)

Blue Point, BR003.jpg
View of Our Lady of the Snow Church (at right) and rectory, as seen from across the street. (B&W)

Blue Point, BR002.jpg
View of the South Bay House hotel, as seen from across the street. Handwritten on the front of the card are the date and the sender’s name. Note: A 1915 atlas has the South Bay House on the southwest corner of Middle Rd. and Blue Point Ave. (B&W)

Blue Point, BR001.jpg
Advertising postcard featuring two views of Ye Anchorage Inn, one interior (inset) and one exterior. The exterior view is of the inn and several nearby buildings, as seen from across the road. Also pictured are a number of automobiles parked on the…

Bethpage, BQ001.jpg
Exterior front view of the firehouse of Central Park Volunteer Fire Company. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Bellport, BP013.jpg
View looking down Bellport Avenue, which is line by trees on both sides. Handwritten message on the front of the card. (B&W)
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