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Pages from the account book showing birth, marriage, and death dates of members of some of Oyster Bay's families covering the period between 1842 and 1859.

Pages from the account book showing birth, marriage, and death dates of members of some of Oyster Bay's families covering the period between 1884 and 1897.

A ceramic ashtray from the Oyster Bay Hospital in Oyster Bay, NY.

Oyster Bay, OJ014.jpg
View of Oyster Bay from a tree-lined meadow in which a person is sitting at left. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)

Baldwin, BC002.jpg
View of Public School No. 3, as seen from across the street. (B&W)

Republic Aviation-2, 1943.jpg
P-47 Thunderbolt (made by Republic Aviation Corporation) kerchief (bandana), with date "Oct. 3, 1943" handwritten on it. (Note: During World War II, over 9,000 P-47s were manufactured at the Republic Aviation plant in East Farmingdale, N.Y.)

Long Island Photograph Collection 9-36.jpg
P-47 Thunderbolt and the home of Eunice and Bernard Fixler (Hofstra University Class of 1941) both engulfed in flames.

Shortly after takeoff from Mitchel Field, the P-47, which was piloted by 1st Lt. Daniel R.A. Duncan, crashed into the Fixler's…

Llámenme m’ija by Silvia Herdia-Pages from Latinas Write-Escriben.pdf
PDF except of pages from the literary anthology "Latinas Write/Escriben" featuring "Llámenme m’ija" by Herstory Writers Workshop author, Silvia Heredia

Floral Park, FG004.jpg
View of the exterior of the pagoda on the grounds of John Lewis Childs. Two-thirds of the Childs family coat of arms is printed on the top left of the verso. (B&W)

Floral Park, FG011.jpg
View of a pagoda, which is surrounded by plants and flowers, on the grounds of John Lewis Child. The top portion of the seed house is visible in the background, at right. The Childs family coat of arms is printed on the verso, in the center top…
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