View looking down Glen Cove Avenue, which is lined by trees on both sides. An oncoming horse drawn cart can be seen in the distance. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)
Exterior view of Gino’s Italian Restaurant, as seen from across N. Franklin Street. Text printed on verso provides information about the restaurant. (B&W)
Advertising card for Giles Shell Rest automobile service station. Front of the card has information (printed in red and black ink) about the station, and color graphics of the the front of an automobile and a Shell Motor Oil logo. Verso contain…
View of the German Mission Church and surrounding cemetery. Note: The c.1865 date represents the approximate year in which the church was built. Two copies. (Color)
Georges Bonnet (1889-1973) was a French politician and minister of finance, pictured with 47th French Prime Minister Camille Chautemps (1885-1963) on the left, and with Leon Blum (1872-1950), another French Prime Minister.