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SR-6d The Perfect Basket Painting by Gwynne Duncan.jpg
Painting Created for LI Wins posting of "The Perfect Basket"

The mural shown in the photograph is located in Hempstead Town Hall and was created to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the founding of Hempstead Village. The village was originally settled in 1643 by English colonists and was then incorporated…

9f-Now it is my turn painting for LI Wins Website.jpg
Painting that was done to accompany the story "And Now it is My Turn" by Anonymous when published on the LI Wins website.

10d-painting for The Emptiness that we Carry in our Hearts.jpg
Painting that was done to accompany the story "The Emptiness that we Carry in our Hearts" by Anonymous when published on the LI Wins website.

An card for the Palace Theatre in Patchogue advertising an upcoming performance of Vaudeville entertainers and Sidney Chapin in "King Queen Joker."

Panoramic postcard with image of Sea Cliff in winter. There are ice skaters and a few boats on Hempstead Harbor, and in the background are hills on which several homes and other buildings can be seen. (Color)

Mineola, MS036.jpg
Panoramic view of Nassau Hospital and the nurses’ residence from a distance. Sender’s initials and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: In 1985, Nassau Hospital changed its name to Winthrop University Hospital. (B&W)
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