View looking down Front Street, which is lined by commercial buildings on both sides. There are people on the sidewalk and wagons at the curb at right. (B&W)
View of the Matinecock Garage, with two cars parked near the entrance and a third parked on the street. Sign on the garage reads, “L.R. Wilkinson. Matinecock Garage. Agent for Regal Motor Cars.” Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on…
View of the Utowana Hotel and other commercial buildings on the west side of Main Street, between Fulton Ave. and Front Street. There are horse drawn carts along and in the street. Note: The First National Bank building was located to the right of…
View of Village Avenue, north of Merrick Road. There are commercial buildings lining both sides of the street. The Bank of Rockville Centre is pictured at right (on the corner), and Carman Cornelius’ grocery store is seen directly across from it, at…