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View of a part of the Long Island Sound and its adjoining shoreline. Cliffs that run along the shoreline are seen at left. Printed text on verso provided a brief description of the North Shore of Long Island. (Color)

Text of “Long Island,” a poem that describes the island’s many positive aspects. Graphics feature people on the shore and in the water; a stringer of a fish; a rifle behind a reed, above which a group of birds is flying; and a flag with the words…

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View of two workers harvesting potatoes in a large field. A truck and another worker are in the background. Printed text on verso provides brief details about Long Island potatoes. (Color)

View of three workers picking potatoes in a large potato field. Filled potato sacks are lined up to their left. Printed text on verso provides brief details about Long Island potatoes. (Color)

View of an unidentified golf club house. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)

View of a duck farm with hundreds of ducks in the water and on the grounds near the farm buildings. (Color)

View of a dock with seagulls sitting on the pilings. A sailboat and a motorboat pulling a water-skier are seen in the background. Printed text on verso gives a brief description of the Long Island waterfront. (Color)

View of a beach and the Atlantic Ocean beyond, as seen through an opening in a sand dune. Printed text on verso provides brief information about Long Island beaches. (Color)

View of four people sailing in a small sailboat. Two young women are standing, holding on to the mast, and a man and woman are seated behind them. Printed text on verso describes why the waters of Long Island are so well-suited for sailing. (Color)

View of the Captree State Parkway Bridge and the Great South Bay. There are a small number of boats near the bridge. Printed text on verso provides brief details about the bridge. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)
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