Exterior view of Floral Hall at the Mineola Fair Grounds. There are several groups of people standing by and around the building. Sender’s initials and date “October 27th, 1908” on front; message and addresses name on back. (B&W)
A photograph taken of a vintage baseball player swinging a bat. The player's uniform consists of white cap, white jersey with red trim, and blue pants. The team logo ABBC is on the front of the jersey.
View of the Five Points intersection (Hempstead Avenue, Merrick Road and Broadway) from Merrick Road. There is two-story building with a sign on it in the distance. Message on front and addressee information on back. Note: The intersection is also…
View of restaurant and deli at the Five Corners. There are a few people out in front and a few cars parked in the driveway. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: The correct spelling of the proprietors last name was…
A photograph of a man smiling and pointing to the camera while holding a fishing pole on a rocky jetty. Two young children are seen sitting on the rocks nearby.
A photograph of a man in a white shirt with a fishing pole standing on a rocky jetty. Two young children are seen sitting nearby on the rocks with sailboats in the background.