Advertisement for William Furze, merchant tailor, whose shop was located on Bridge Street in Riverhead, N.Y. Furze cut and made clothes to order and also performed alterations and repairs.
Advertisement for Corwin & Hallock's Market, which was located on Griffing Avenue in Riverhead, N.Y. Items advertised included meat, vegetables, ice, red and white ash coal.
Advertisement for the furniture warehouse of Wm. Raynor, Wm. Carman, and H.A. Whitaker, located in Hempstead, N.Y. Items advertised included sofas, bureaus, bookcases, center tables, chairs made from various woods, looking glasses, and coffins. They…
Advertisement for Thomas Welch's furnishing warehouse, which was located on Main Street in Hempstead, N.Y. Welch manufactured tin and sheet-iron ware. He also did all kinds of house work, and kept on hand a general assortment of cooking and parlor…
Advertisement for guano and bone (fertilizers), for sale at the general store of D.B. Smith and Son. The store was located in Smithville, which was later Smithville South and is present-day North Bellmore.
Advertisement for ingrain carpets, oil-cloth, and matting, for sale at S. C. & I. Snedeker & Co. (general store), located in Hempstead, N.Y. The store had 1500 yards of the materials to sell.
Advertisement for Edward Daily, General Furnishing Undertaker, located in Babylon, N.Y. The advertisement stated that Daily provided "All requisites for First Class Funerals. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Cases, Carriages, &c."
Advertisement for the Moore Brothers' grocery store, which was located at the corner of Deer Park and Railroad Avenues in Babylon, N.Y. The advertisement stated that the store was "supplied with a well selected stock of Groceries, Provisions,…
Advertisement for Sydney A. Ackley's painting business, which was located in Babylon, N.Y . Ackley did both plain and ornamental paint work, and the advertisement also mentioned graining, interior decorations, and house and sign painting.