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Llámenme m’ija by Silvia Herdia-Pages from Latinas Write-Escriben.pdf
PDF except of pages from the literary anthology "Latinas Write/Escriben" featuring "Llámenme m’ija" by Herstory Writers Workshop author, Silvia Heredia

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Photograph of Silvia Heredia, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

SR- 19d Words from the Heart Newsday Article PDF.pdf
PDF version of Newsday article "Words from the Heart" published July 9th, 2006 concerning Latina writers including Yolanda Gress

SR- 19c-- Yolanda Gress photo.JPG
Photograph of Yolanda Gress, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

Excerpts from  The Teller in the Tale by Elizabeith Heyn.pdf
PDF version of an except from "The Teller in the Tale: A Half-Jewish Child in Nazi Germany" by Herstory Writers Workshop author, Elizabeth Heyn

SR- 20c Teller in the Tale Book Cover.pdf
PDF version of the front and back covers of "The Teller in the Tale" by Elizabeth Heyn, a Herstory Writers Workshop author
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