Browse Items (4209 total)

SR- 24b- Barbara Allan Photo.jpg
Photograph of Barbara Allan, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

Pat Gorman.jpg
Photograph of Pat Gorman, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

Dathonie Pinto.jpg
Photograph of Dathonie Pinto, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

Helen Dorado Alessi.jpg
Photograph of Helen Dorado Alessi, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

1c-  Our Children, Their Stories-- An Island-Wide Convening for Youth Justice Reform.pdf
A two-sided flyer from the Our Children, Their Stories: An Island-Wide Convening for Youth Justice Reform event.

A 1940 tax photograph of Brown Studios' eventual address.

Abe Isoo.jpg
A photograph of Abe Isoo (1865-1949), a moderate socialist who became the president of the Social Democratic party and the Social Masses party.

King Gustav V of Sweden.jpg
A photograph of King Gustav V of Sweden (1858-1950). His motto was: “With the people, for the Fatherland.” He was a Nazi sympathizer, though he did disapprove of Hitler's treatment of the Jews.

Benito Mussolini.jpg
Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), the fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943. He was titled 'Il Duce,' which means 'The Leader' in Italian. He led the National Fascist Party and later joined Germany and Japan to form the Axis Powers during the war.

Mussolini opponent, Haile Silossie.jpg
Haile Selassie (1892-1975) was the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. Ethiopia was targeted by Italian imperialism in 1935, but was liberated with the help of British, French, Belgian, and South African troops in 1941. He was considered the…
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