A photograph of a plaque dedicated to Cpl Albert Kiestinec for his service in Vietnam in 1968. The plaque is located at Broadway and Michigan Avenue in Massapequa, New York.
A photograph of a Veterans monument located on Broadway and Michigan Avenue in Massapequa, New York. The inscription on the monument states "In memory of all Deceased Veterans. Nassau County Disabled Americans Veterans, Massapequa, Chapter 143."
A photograph of the exterior of a grey ranch style home located at 227 Toronto Avenue in Massapequa, New York. The home was occupied by Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic in the 1960s.
A photograph of the exterior of a grey ranch style home located at 227 Toronto Avenue in Massapequa, New York. The home was occupied by Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic in the 1960s.
A photograph of the backyard of a home located at 227 Toronto Avenue in Massapequa, New York. The home was occupied by Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic in the 1960s.