Receipt for payment of $25.00 made by William Garner, Sr., to E.J. & A.W. Jerome, Manufacturers of Horse Powers Threshing Machines, Mowing Machines, Fanning Mills, at Mineola, N.Y. Payment was for the purchase of a fanning mill, a hand-cranked…
Receipt for payment of $52.80 made by Mr. Garner [would most likely have been John B. or William Garner, Sr.] to Monfort, Powell & Bro., Brick Manufacturers, at Mineola, N.Y. The payment was for purchases totaling 4, 800 bricks. Note: William and…
Exterior view of Krug’s Corner Hotel. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note with postcard stated that location was northeast corner of Old Country Road and Mineola Boulevard. [The hotel was located at the northwest…
Exterior view of Johren’s Hotel. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note with postcard states that location was northeast corner of Old Country Road and Mineola Boulevard. (B&W)