Advertisement for florists Reed & Funnell, whose greenhouse was located in Huntington, N.Y. Items advertised included greenhouse and garden plants, vegetable plants, and small fruit plants.
Advertisement for the 1885 spring opening of Thomas Itkin & Son's dry goods store, which was located at the corner of Main and Wall Streets in Huntington, N.Y. Items advertised included dry goods, clothing, hats and caps, and dress goods.
Advertisement for the Babylon Nursery, P.H. Foster, proprietor. Items for sale included trees, shrubs, roses, and "a general assortment of everything wanted from a nursery at a less price than they can be raised for.
Advertisement for the boot and shoe store of A.M Ketcham. The advertisement features a list of boots and shoes along with the price of each item. (Ketcham's store was located on Main Street in Northport, N.Y.)
Advertisement for Willis B. Burt, builder of carriages, buckboards, spring wagons, and sleighs. Burt, whose factory was located in Northport, N.Y., also offered horseshoeing and general jobbing services.
L.C. Gordon advertisement for 5,000 yards of slightly damaged Hamburg edgings (a kind of embroidered work done by machinery on cambric or muslin, and used for trimming) on sale at less than half the cost. Also advertised were 1,000 yards of standard…