Bill for 1 pound 5 shillings 3 pence owed to John C. Birdsall for sawing boards for Jackson Seaman. Note: Birdsall, who lived in Jerusalem (present-day Wantagh) ran a general store and had an interest in a saw mill.
View of mill buildings belonging to the Patchogue Lace Manufacturing Company. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)
View of the Old Grist Mill and small portion of the Mill Dam at left. A couple of other commercial buildings and several horse drawn wagons are also pictured. (B&W)
View of an entrance to the mill dam along a stretch of the Vanderbilt Cup Race course. Part of the dam is visible behind the entrance. Date and sender’s initials on front; addressee information on back. (B&W)
Aerial view of the Patchogue Lace Manufacturing Company’s lace and carpet mills, and the surrounding areas. Great Patchogue Lake is seen behind the mills. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (Color)
Aerial view of the Patchogue Lace Manufacturing Company’s lace and carpet mills, and the surrounding areas. Great Patchogue Lake is seen behind the mills. (B&W)
Aerial view of the Patchogue Lace Manufacturing Company’s lace and carpet mills, and the surrounding areas. Great Patchogue Lake is seen behind the mills. Handwritten message on verso. (Color)