Joseph Birdsall business note from Samuel Townsend, 1773
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Joseph Birdsall business note from Samuel Townsend, 1773
Birdsall, Joseph, 1739-1824.
Seaman, Thomas
Willet & Richard Seaman
Business enterprises
General stores
Samuel Townsend business note to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Townsend states that "I Have Settled the sales of your Pork with Willet and Richard Seaman, & the hhd [hogshead] of Rum which you had amount to £17 “ 17 “ 0 which I am much in want of. Therefore As I am indebted to Thomas Seaman & Co. £10 “ 18 “ 1 which allotted to pay with the hhd [hogshead] Rum you had – I have given them an order on you for Ten Pound Eighteen Shilling & one penny, Which your answering will much oblige.” Note: Birdsall owned a general store in Jerusalem (present-day Wantagh), N.Y. He was also a surveyor, a partner in a grist mill, a teacher in the Jerusalem school, and a lieutenant in the loyalist militia.
Dec. 22, 1773
O'Connor, Michael
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Business note
“Joseph Birdsall business note from Samuel Townsend, 1773,” Hofstra University Library Special Collections: Digital Collections, accessed March 5, 2025,
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