Browse Items (4209 total)

Oyster Bay, OJ023.jpg
View looking down Poverty Hollow Road, to the left of which are the water works buildings. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)

A photograph showing workers and construction equipment pouring concreate onto the roadway for the Long Beach Bridge during its construction.

A photograph showing four construction workers pouring concrete inside pier #5 of the Long Beach Bridge during construction.

Pages from the account book showing the accounts of Henry R Post, Ephentus Oakley, and Benjamin Mullineux.

Stony Brook, SY018.jpg
View of the post office building, which is adjacent to an unidentified building. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Stony Brook, SY004.jpg
Exterior front view of the United States Post Office building. Printed text on verso provides brief details about the building, which is located in the Stony Brook Village Center. (Color)

Setauket, SK006.jpg
Exterior front view of the U.S. Post Office building. Printed text on verso provides information about the structure. (Color)

Mattituck, MK012.jpg
Exterior view of the Mattituck Post Office building. (B&W)

Hicksville, HN013.jpg
View of the Post Office building from across the street. There are two men and two women standing in front of it. Other buildings, including a church, are visible along the street. Two copies, both with messages and addressee information on verso.…

Hempstead, HH040.jpg
Exterior view of the Hempstead post office, situated within a row of commercial buildings. (Color)
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