View of the Utowana Hotel and other commercial buildings on the west side of Main Street, between Fulton Ave. and Front Street. There are horse drawn carts along and in the street. Note: The First National Bank building was located to the right of…
View of junction of Front and Main Streets. There are commercial buildings on both streets, and there are people walking on the sidewalks. One car is in the street, and a wagon is parked at a curb. Addressee information on verso.
View looking north down Main Street, which is lined by commercial businesses on both sides. A trolley can be seen far off in the distance. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)
View of the west side of Main Street, between Fulton Ave. and Front St. Among the commercial businesses lining the street is “The Surprise” department store. There are people on the sidewalk and two people on bicycles in the street. There are also an…
View looking up Main Street. There are commercial buildings along the street, at left, and people standing on the sidewalk. At right, a trolley is stopped in the intersection, and three men, two of whom are trolleymen, are posing with it. There are…
Exterior front view of August Belmont’s house, which is bordered by a white wooden fence. Note: Located at the corner of Fulton Street and Bennett Avenue, the house later became the Hempstead Elks Club Lodge building. Country Estates apartment…
View of Main Street, with commercial buildings on both sides. In the street there are a trolley, a few carts and wagons, a pedestrian and young man on a bicycle. Message and addressee information on verso. (B&W)
View of houses behind a long line of fencing on the left side of Grove St. Message on front of card indicates picture was taken in front of sender’s house. Addressee information on verso. (B&W)