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Joseph Birdsall business note from Phebe Brass, 1770 .jpg
Business note from Phebe Brass to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Brass requests that Birdsall "let the bearer hereof have to the valu[e] of £1 in cloth the cheapest you have got for a jacket." Note: Birdsall owned a general store in Jerusalem…

Joseph Birdsall business note from Richard Jackson, Sr., 1766.jpg
Business note from Richard Jackson, Sr., to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Jackson requests that Birdsall "let the bearer hereof have half a pound of powder and two pounds of shot and I will se [sic] you paid." Note: Birdsall owned a general store in…

Joseph Birdsall business note from Robert Wilson, 1784.jpg
Business note from Robert Wilson to Joseph Bardsil (alternate spelling of "Birdsall"). In the note, Wilson requests that Birdsall send by the bearer £ 0 .8.5 [eight shillings and five pence]. Note: Birdsall owned a general store in Jerusalem…

Joseph Birdsall business note from Samuel Townsend, 1773.jpg
Samuel Townsend business note to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Townsend states that "I Have Settled the sales of your Pork with Willet and Richard Seaman, & the hhd [hogshead] of Rum which you had amount to £17 “ 17 “ 0 which I am much in want…

Joseph Birdsall business note from Solomon Pool, 1770.jpg
Business note from Solomon Pool to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Pool requests that Birdsall "Let Richard Totten have one silk hadkerchief [sic] and a Quart of Rum and I will see you Paid."

Joseph Birdsall business note from Solomon Poole, 1766.jpg
Business note from Solomon Poole to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Poole requests that Birdsall "let the barer [sic] take up to the value of thirty shillings on my acount [sic] and I will see you paid and in doing so you will much oblige your friend."…

Joseph Birdsall business note from Solomon Poole, 1769.jpg
Business note from Solomon Poole to Joseph Birdsil (alternate spelling of "Birdsall"). In the note, Poole requests that Birdsall "let the Bairor have 3 Shillings and 6 pence worth and I will See you paid." Note: Birdsall owned a general store in…

Joseph Birdsall business note from Thomas Ellison, 1766.jpg
Business note from Thomas Ellison to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Ellison requests that Birdsall let James Seamens have 15 shillings on his account. Note: Birdsall owned a general store in Jerusalem (present-day Wantagh), N.Y. He was also a…

Joseph Birdsall business note from Thomas Seaman, 1768.jpg
Business note from Thomas Seaman to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Seaman requests that Birdsall let Rachel Stivers? have the value of 12 shillings and 11 pence on his account. Note: Birdsall owned a general store in Jerusalem (present-day Wantagh),…

Joseph Birdsall business note from William Jones, 1772.jpg
Business note from William Jones to Joseph Birdsall. In the note, Jones requests that Birdsall "pay unto Daniel Hendrikson the sum of three pounds and his receipt shall be your Discharge for the above said sum of £ 3 . 0 . 0."
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