View of West Main Street with commercial buildings at left. There are a few automobiles and horse drawn vehicles in the street. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)
View looking down Nassau Boulevard, with center island dividers and houses on the left. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: The village of Garden City Estates merged with the village of Garden City in 1915. (Color)
View of Main St., looking north from Front St. there are commercial buildings lining both sides of the street. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)
Two view views, one of the exterior of the restaurant, the other of a dining room and stage. Text on front and back describes various services and features of the restaurant. (Color)
"Greetings from" card featuring an image of an oncoming car driving on a scenic road that is lined on both sides by white fences and blossoming trees. Message and addressee information on verso. (Color)