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Barbara Levin larger photo.jpg
Photograph of Barbara Levin, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

SR- 24b- Barbara Allan Photo.jpg
Photograph of Barbara Allan, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

Andreia Lee.jpg
Photograph of Andreia Lee, an author from the Herstory Writers Workshop

Amber Davis.jpg
A photograph of Amber Davis, an author with the Herstory Writers Workshop

Hermann Goering.jpg
Hermann Goering (1893-1946) was a German political and military leader as well as one of the most powerful figures in the Nazi Party. Pictured with the winner of the German Derby in Hamburg.

Robert Harrison - Long Island 3- 662.jpg
A color photograph of a plaque which reads, "Here coming generations seeking rest [illegible] bloom and over arching trees from natures loveliness will draw new zest new inspiration from the perfume breeze."

A page from the New York Herald Tribune's classified section advertising upcoming auctions.

Robert Harrison - Long Island 1-135.jpg
A photograph of the exterior of Henry's luncheonette located at 8 Glen Street, Glen Cove, N.Y.

Henry Haydock letter to Joseph Birdsall concerning money owed to him, 1784.jpg
A letter from Henry Haydock, of New York City, to Joseph Birdsall concerning a sum of money that Birdsall owed to him. In the letter, he threatens to take action if he does not receive payment by the middle of the month. Note: Birdsall owned a…

Box, Henry and Pettit, A.S. Account Ledger Finding Aid.pdf
The finding aid for the Box, Henry and Pettit, A.S. Account Ledger collection in PDF format.
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