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Brentwood, BT003.jpg
Postcard featuring two views of the Academy of Saint Joseph-in-the-Pines, one in color (top) and one in black & white (bottom). The color image contains an exterior view of the school as seen from a distance. The black and white image depicts two…

Sea Cliff, SG054.jpg
View of a bathing beach, with swimmers in the water and beachgoers on the sand. People can also be seen walking along a boardwalk at right. Date and sender’s name on front, addressee information on back. (B&W)

Panoramic postcard with image of Sea Cliff in winter. There are ice skaters and a few boats on Hempstead Harbor, and in the background are hills on which several homes and other buildings can be seen. (Color)

Sea Cliff, SG051.jpg
Exterior front view of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)

Glen Cove, GE019.jpg
View of the Red Bridge and the road leading away from it towards an unidentified building in the distance. There are a couple of people on the bridge, looking over the side; a woman in a horse drawn cart is stopped in the middle of the bridge.…

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Glen Cove, GE011.jpg
View of Red Spring Lane covered in snow. Trees and wooden fences line both sides of the road. Addressee information on verso. (B&W)

Freeport, FK012.jpg
Vertically printed postcard with two images. The top image, “Near the Merrick Road,” depicts a man and two boys standing alongside an unidentified body of water. The bottom image, “Freeport Club,” depicts the exterior of the Freeport Club building.…

Freeport, FK008.jpg
View looking down Merrick Road, which is lined by trees and fences. On both sides. There is a house (mostly obscured by trees) at right. There is a message on the front of the card and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B/W)

Freeport, FK002.jpg
View of the exterior of a public school building. There is a handwritten message on the front of the card and addressee information on the back. (B/W)

Freeport, FK001.jpg
Postcard featuring two images, one features a tree lined stretch of Merrick Road, and the other (inset), which is captioned “Along the Road,” depicts children standing by a tree near the bank of an unidentified body of water. There is a handwritten…
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