Broadside on which is printed the Constitution, By-Laws and Officers of the Long Island Farmers' Club. The object of the organization was to "promote the welfare of all engaged in the cultivation of the soil as a business."
View of the tree-lined entrance to the Glenwood Country Club. Note: Opened in 1911, the club was sold in 1914 and renamed “North Shore Country Club.” (B&W)
Two views of the Village Bath Club, one of the outdoor pool (inset, upper left) and the other of a dining room. Text printed on verso provides a brief description of the club. (Color)
View of the exterior of the Freeport Club building. There is a horse drawn cart at left, and two children, one sitting in a wagon, in front of the building. (Color)
Vertically printed postcard with two images. The top image, “Near the Merrick Road,” depicts a man and two boys standing alongside an unidentified body of water. The bottom image, “Freeport Club,” depicts the exterior of the Freeport Club building.…