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Sag Harbor, SB003.jpg
Exterior view of the historic Customs House. Printed text on verso reads: “First New York State Customs House, Sag Harbor, Long Island, New York. Built in 1789, this was the first State Customs House in New York and the first collector of the port…

Sag Harbor, SB004.jpg
Views of two Sag Harbor landmarks. Pictured at left is the First Presbyterian Church (also known as the “Old Whalers’ Church”). The image at right is of the Broken Mast Monument in Oakdale Cemetery. The monument is dedicated to the Whalers of…

Montauk, MT018.jpg
The postcard features two images: one of the railroad terminal and the other of Gosman’s Dock with two commercial fishing boats docked alongside it. printed text on verso gives a brief description of Montauk. (Color)

Bus ticket to Balochistan by Zainab Shah.pdf
PDF version of “Bus ticket to Balochistan,” a story by Herstory Writers Workshop author, Zainab Shah

A matchbook from Ziegfeld's in Montauk, NY.

Long Beach, LN008.jpg
View of amusement pier with people walking on the boardwalk. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: The image is supposed to be a depiction of “Rainey Pier,” which was to have been constructed at Roosevelt Blvd. by the…

Long Beach, LN009.jpg
View of people on beach along the Atlantic Ocean. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)

Long Beach, LN018.jpg
View of the Hotel Nassau, with a small number of people sitting on the beach. (Color)

Martin Luther King, Jr. receives his honorary degree from Hofstra president Clifford Lord.
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