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Sayville, SF005.jpg
Exterior view of Sayville High School. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Hand-colored)

Long Island Photograph Collection 9-35.jpg
Exterior front view of the home of Eunice and Bernard Fixler (Hofstra University Class of 1941).

The home was destroyed when a P-47 Thunderbolt crashed into it and the house next door on November 17, 1945. The pilot, 1st Lt. Daniel R.A. Duncan,…

Exterior front view of the home of Eunice and Bernard Fixler (Hofstra University Class of 1941).

The home was destroyed when a P-47 Thunderbolt crashed into it and the house next door on November 17, 1945. The pilot, 1st Lt. Daniel R.A. Duncan who…

Valley Stream, VA009.jpg
Exterior view of Hoffman’s restaurant. There are three American flags flying on flagpoles in front of the building. Printed text on verso provides brief details about the restaurant. (Color)

A pin proclaiming the wearer to be a member of the Frank Buck Explorer's Club.

Yaphank, YA026.jpg
View of a group of soldiers exercising outside barracks at Camp Upton. (B&W)

Northport, NZ011.jpg
Group of people posing for a photograph at Valley Grove’s dance pavilion. Some people are standing in the pavilion while others are sitting on its steps. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note: Valley Grove was a resort…

Uniondale, UA005.jpg
Exterior front view of the Post Exchange building. There are cars parked in front and a number of people near the entrance and on the sidewalk. Message and addressee information on verso. (Color)

Excerpts from  The Teller in the Tale by Elizabeith Heyn.pdf
PDF version of an except from "The Teller in the Tale: A Half-Jewish Child in Nazi Germany" by Herstory Writers Workshop author, Elizabeth Heyn
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