View of Village Avenue, North of Merrick Road, with commercial buildings on both sides of the street. The Bank of Rockville Centre is pictured at right. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)
View of Village Avenue from South Boulevard, with commercial buildings on both sides of the street. Among the businesses pictured are Carman & Jenkins, at left, and Fisk Real Estate and Horton’s Ice Cream, at right. (Color)
View of Village Avenue, north of Merrick Road. There are commercial buildings lining both sides of the street. The Bank of Rockville Centre is pictured at right (on the corner), and Carman Cornelius’ grocery store is seen directly across from it, at…
View of Southern Boulevard, with buildings on both sides of the street. Among the businesses at left are a tailor shop and Petry Hardware. There are two horse drawn carts parked at the curb. (B&W)
View of Merrick Road, looking east from Village Avenue. A partial view of the Bank of Rockville Centre is seen at left, and a stationery store is at right. (B&W)
View looking north down Main Street, which is lined by commercial buildings on both sides. Plaza Stationery is pictured at left. A number of automobiles are pictured in the street and parked at the curb. (B&W)
View of the grist mill, with several people standing near the entrance. A horse drawn wagon is parked out in front. [A note that accompanied the postcard stated that a 1914 atlas has grist mill on north side of West Main Street and west of Willow…
Exterior view of the Old Westbury Hotel Post Office & Hotel. There is a handwritten message on the front of the card; handwritten addressee information is on the verso. (Color)
View of a general store and post office building. There are several people standing on the deck in front, which has a boardwalk leading up to it. A sign reads on the building reads, “M.A. Sumner Ice Cream & Candies.” (B&W)