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  • Tags: Business enterprises

Long Beach, LN032.jpg
Image of a row of Old English shops on Block 116 as they would look after construction was completed. (Color)

Long Beach, LN031.jpg
Exterior view of Lum Fong’s Casino. Printed text on verso reads: “Lum Fong’s Casino. Chinese and American Restaurant. Long Beach Blvd. & East Park Ave. Long Beach, N.Y. Branch of 220 Canal Street, New York City.” Message and addressee information,…

Long Beach, LN030.jpg
View of the Ingraham Building, with an ornately decorated fountain in the foreground. Annotation on verso reads, “Aug 9 – 1919.” (B&W)

Long Beach, LN029.jpg
View of the Chateau des Tourelles, with a number of people on the sidewalk in front. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Long Beach, LN028.jpg
View of a large crowd of people walking on the boardwalk. The Hotel Nassau is pictured at right. (B&W)

Long Beach, LN027.jpg
View of casino, with people on the porch; a touring car is parked at the curb. (B&W)

Locust Valley, LM008.jpg
View of the Matinecock Garage, with two cars parked near the entrance and a third parked on the street. Sign on the garage reads, “L.R. Wilkinson. Matinecock Garage. Agent for Regal Motor Cars.” Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on…

Hempstead, HH104.jpg
Advertising postcard with a view of the Small Cars, Inc. showroom and service center, as seen from diagonally across North Franklin Street. There are also a number of used cars on the lot. Printed text on verso lists address and phone number of the…

Hempstead, HH103.jpg
Advertising postcard with a view of the Whipple Pontiac showroom and service center, as seen from across North Franklin Street. Message (printed in script) on verso describes new car deals. Handwritten addressee information also on verso. (Color)
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