Advertisement for Wilbur Pearsall, dealer in furniture, carpets, oil cloth, matting, bedding, wall paper, window shades, etc. Pearsall's store was located in Merrick Road, Rockville Centre, N.Y.
Advertisement for Thomas Welch's furnishing warehouse, which was located on Main Street in Hempstead, N.Y. Welch manufactured tin and sheet-iron ware. He also did all kinds of house work, and kept on hand a general assortment of cooking and parlor…
Advertisement for the summer arrangement of a Roslyn to New York City stagecoach line, of which Thomas Cornwell was the proprietor. The morning stage left Roslyn at 6:00 a.m. and made stops at Manhasset, Great Neck, Little Neck, Flushing, and New…
Advertisement for the R.S. Seabury Bakrey [sic] and Grocery store, which was located in Hempstead, N.Y. Items sold at the store included breads, cakes, crackers, sugar, molasses, pork, candles, soap, and flour.
Advertisement for the new Garden City Hotel , located in Garden City, N.Y. The advertisement included interior and exterior views of the hotel, as well as an exterior view of the nearby Cathedral of the Incarnation.
Advertisement for the Moore Brothers' grocery store, which was located at the corner of Deer Park and Railroad Avenues in Babylon, N.Y. The advertisement stated that the store was "supplied with a well selected stock of Groceries, Provisions,…
Advertisement for the Merchants Mutual Automobile Liability Insurance Co., Robert Seaman, Agent, Hicksville, N.Y. Advertisement states that special inducements in automobile insurance are offered to Nassau County Farm Bureau members.
Advertisement for the general store of C.W. Vail, which was located on Main Street in Bay Shore, N.Y. Items advertised included builders' hardware, paints, oils, crockery, tinware, house furnishing goods, and artist materials.