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  • Tags: beaches

Atlantic Beach, AG001.jpg
View of The Surfside club building and people playing on the beach and swimming in the water. Printed message on verso describes a “delightful” day at the club. (Color)

Atlantic Beach, AG002.jpg
View of the boardwalk and the Nautilus Hotel and Beach Club. Printed text on verso provides brief details about Atlantic Beach. (Color)

Atlantic Beach, AG003.jpg
Aerial view of boardwalk and bathing strand with the Atlantic Ocean at right. (Color)

Atlantic Beach, AG004.jpg
Aerial view of Castles Beach Club with the boardwalk, beach, and the Atlantic Ocean at left. (Color)

Atlantic Beach, AG005.jpg
Aerial view of the Nautilus Hotel and Beach Club and the surrounding area. A partial view of the beach is seen at bottom right. (B&W)

Bay Shore, BH001.jpg
Large letter "Greetings From" postcard with images of Bay Shore High School, the Bay Shore Public Library, and local beaches depicted in the letters of the words “Bay Shore.” There is also an image of a man lying under a beach umbrella on a sandy…

Bay Shore, BH006.jpg
View of a bathing beach at Bay Shore. There are people sitting and standing on a dock, and others swimming in the water. Several buildings, including a hotel, are visible in the background. (B&W)

Bayville, BJ001.jpg
View of Bayville Beach and the Bayville Casino (at right). There are people on the beach and in the water. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)

Bellport, BP012.jpg
View of the beach with a number of buildings along the shoreline. Part of the bay is seen at left. (B&W)

East Hampton, ED007.jpg
View of a whaling boat and its crew on the shoreline. (B&W)
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