View of the Northport Yacht Club and Northport Harbor from a road running along the coastline. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)
View of houses along a road in Highland Park. Handwritten message written on back and continues on front; addressee information (handwritten) also on back. (Tinted green)
Exterior view of Krug’s Corner Hotel. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. Note with postcard stated that location was northeast corner of Old Country Road and Mineola Boulevard. [The hotel was located at the northwest…
Advertising postcard featuring three views of Florence Frazer’s Red Robin Restaurant, two interior and one exterior. Printed text on verso provides information about the restaurant. (B&W)
View looking down Bergen Place, north to Lena Avenue. The street is lined by trees and there are two houses on the left side. There is a handwritten message on the front of the card and addressee information on the back. (B/W)
Exterior view of a building in the business section of Fulton Street. Businesses in the building are Thomas Johnston Laboratories and an automobile garage. Message on the front, addressee information on verso, both handwritten. (B&W)