Rushmore Farms Vegetable Stands Income and Expense Accounts ledger book pages for 1935. The pages covered sales and expenses for vegetable stands at Powerhouse Road and at Roslyn Road. There was also another stand at Willis Avenue. The account book…
Rushmore Farms information sheet for sales personnel at farm stands, written by Robert S. Rushmore. Information includes how to address the rumors that the farm, which was located in Roslyn Heights,N.Y., had been sold and that the vegetables on the…
Front view of the Roadside Rest restaurant from across Long Beach Road. There are dining tables on the sidewalk and cars parked at the curb. Additional information from front of card: “Famous for our Frankfurters and Sea Food”—Shor & Hadfield, Props.…
Exterior view of the Old Westbury Hotel Post Office & Hotel. There is a handwritten message on the front of the card; handwritten addressee information is on the verso. (Color)
View looking north from railroad. Buildings line both sides of the street. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)