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A photograph showing the backyard of a Santa Fe ranch home in the Saddle Rock Homes development in Great Neck, NY.

The front cover of a menu for the San-Su-San restaurant.

A glass ashtray from the Sands Motel in Montauk, NY.

Sea Cliff, SG018.jpg
View of people on a street during a German camp meeting. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG014.jpg
View of several cottages along the shoreline of Scudder's Pond. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (Color)

A photograph showing a group of men sitting at a table during the "Buffet Washington Hoo Hoo Club Shoreham Hotel May 23, 1951 Washington D.C." One of the men is annotated "Whitney Harris" in ink.

Sea Cliff, SG023.jpg
Facsimile of a 1908 photograph of a trolley car on Glen Avenue. One man is stepping off the trolley, and a few others are standing alongside it. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG021.jpg
Facsimile of a 1907 photograph of people boarding a trolley car on 12th Avenue. (B&W)

Sea Cliff, SG022.jpg
Facsimile of a 1906 group photograph of children and a few adults sitting on sleds in the snow. There are also a number of people standing in the background. (B&W)

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Sea Cliff, SG044.jpg
Facsimile of an early 1900s photograph of two children eating ice cream on the porch of Schoelle’s Drug Store. (B&W)
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