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Freeport, FK012.jpg
Vertically printed postcard with two images. The top image, “Near the Merrick Road,” depicts a man and two boys standing alongside an unidentified body of water. The bottom image, “Freeport Club,” depicts the exterior of the Freeport Club building.…

Freeport, FK011.jpg
View of the exterior of the Savoy Inn. Message and addressee information on verso. (Color)

Freeport, FK010.jpg
View of a Chinese Pergola from across Randall’s Bay. There are houses behind both sides of the pergola. A few boats are moored in the bay. Message and addressee information on verso. (Color)

Freeport, FK009.jpg
Bird’s-eye view of the Woodcleft Canal, with a number of boats docked along it. There are houses across the street and a couple of buildings further down the canal. The postcard has a message on the front and addressee information on the back, both…

Freeport, FK008.jpg
View looking down Merrick Road, which is lined by trees and fences. On both sides. There is a house (mostly obscured by trees) at right. There is a message on the front of the card and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B/W)

Freeport, FK007.jpg
View looking down Bergen Place, north to Lena Avenue. The street is lined by trees and there are two houses on the left side. There is a handwritten message on the front of the card and addressee information on the back. (B/W)

Freeport, FK006.jpg
Exterior view of the Church of Transfiguration. Message and addressee information on verso. (Color)


Freeport, FK005.jpg
View looking out over the pond in Milburn Pond County Park, with Freeport High School in the background. Printed caption on verso describes the village of Freeport. (Color)

Freeport, FK004.jpg
View of a row of commercial buildings along one side of Broadway. The word “FREEPORT” is spelled out in tall white letters on the grass on the opposite side of the street. (Color)

Freeport, FK003.jpg
Exterior view of the Freeport Memorial Library building from across the street. Printed caption on verso describes Freeport. (Color)
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