View of buildings in the business center of Sea Cliff, N.Y. Pictured are the American Legion building, Raff's Stationery, and the Sea Cliff Post Office. (Color)
Aerial view of Sandy Beach, with cottages along the shoreline and a few boats (including one large sailboat) in the water. Shelter Island is visible in the distance. Message and addressee information, both handwritten, on verso. (B&W)
View of a horse drawn carriage with passengers for the Meadowbrook Hunt. The carriage is on the side of a road that is lined by a picket fence. A barn and other buildings are visible in the background. Message on the front and addressee information…
View of the exterior of the Meadowbrook Club House. There is a small handwritten message on the bottom of the card. Message on the front and addressee information on the back, both handwritten. (B&W)
Aerial view of houses and buildings in Hempstead village. The initials “H.W.S” are handwritten on the front of the card; addressee information, also handwritten, is on the back. (B&W)
Exterior view of the Grace Methodist Church, and a partial view of the parsonage at right. Note: A 1914 atlas has church at the corner of Franklin and Fairfield Avenues. (B&W)
View of Village Avenue, as seen from Southern Boulevard, with commercial buildings on both sides of the street. A partial view of Boulevard House (C.M. Groth) is seen at right. Message on front and addressee information on verso, both are…
View looking up Main Street. There are commercial buildings along the street, at left, and people standing on the sidewalk. At right, a trolley is stopped in the intersection, and three men, two of whom are trolleymen, are posing with it. There are…